This picture of my daughter Rae was taken by me in July 2002 at the Columbus Zoo. You can see the wonder, amazement, and joy on Rae's face as she reaches out towards the penguin. My kids inspire me to work (to support them), to spend time with them, to coach them, and basically to do all that I can to help them learn and grow. Seeing a look like this on their faces makes it all worth it.

What a great expression she has. It's amazing the way they're so awed at the simple things in life. Definitely an inspiration!
Thank you for entering the contest and good luck!
An Island Life
Thanks Kailani. The look on her face in this picture has made it one of my favorites since the day I took it.
What a nice photo!
So sweet, thanks for sharing that!
Thanks Stacie & Mert for the kind words.
You can just feel that learning energy going on - the wonder, the awe and the excitement! Fantastic share.
Holly's Corner
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